Domain Renewals

Renew your domain with Regzilla to extend its registration for additional time.

If your domain has expired, many registries (like .com, .net, and .org) have a Grace Period (see below) during which your domain will continue working and during which you may renew it to extend its registration.

Regzilla will attempt to contact you during this period if you have not yet renewed your domain, so be sure to keep your account information up to date so we'll have the correct email address and postal address to reach you at.

After the Grace Period has passed, you will need to go through the costly Redemption process to get your domain working again.

Redeeming an Expired Domain

If your domain has expired, the domain registry will suspend it for a period of time known as the Redemption Period in which you can rescue your domain from deletion.

After your domain has been exceeded the Grace Period without being renewed it will be placed on hold for an additional 30 days. During this Redemption Period none of your services will work and you will not be able to administer your domain.

After the 30 day Redemption Period expires your domain will be deleted from the registry and be available for you or the domain squatters to register.

Redeeming an expired domain is easy, but the registries would prefer to not have domains expire unless they are no longer needed by their owners, so they asses a heavy charge to release the domain.

Redeeming a domain will require at least one year's renewal (see Registration Pricing) plus a $90.00 Redemption Surcharge. Since it is a manual process, it can take up to 7 days to complete.

If your domain has expired and you need to redeem it, please contact Regzilla Support.

How long is the Grace Period for other registries?

For .com, .net, .org, .biz, .cc, .info, .name, .tv, and .us the Grace Period is 40 days, .ca is 30 days. The .cn registry has no Grace Period, and the .de registry has neither a Grace Period nor a Redemption Period.

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