Web Site Statistics
Your web site's logfile keeps track of every request made by surfers
coming to your web site. Regzilla takes samples from these logs on a
regular basis to provide its customers with statistical data about
their web traffic.
Samples are taken as summaries of five minute intervals.
These web site statistics are then broken out into categories which
are most useful (statistically) in profiling your web traffic. The
first two of these statistics are often used interchangeably and
deserve some discussion.
While this confusion is
understandable given that they are similar, they do measure different
things. In general, Webmasters are interested in how many times a
page on their web site is Viewed (also called Page Views).
Since an individual page is often made up of several elements (images,
backgrounds, icons, and other included elements like scripts and style
sheets), one Page View will usually require a web surfer to perform
multiple downloads from your web site. These are refered to as
The other two statistics are much more straight forward.
Errors are the number of times a surfer requested a page that
isn't on your web site, or that a script on your web site had a
problem. If you don't have scripts, this will only represent requests
for missing pages. Invalid requests such as these usually arise from
surfers using stale bookmarks or following out-of-date links from
Search Engines or other web pages.
Bytes are the number of bytes that were transferred during a
given sampling period. Divide by 1000 to get kilobytes (KB) or by
1,000,000 to get megabytes (MB).