Domain Management Frequently Asked Questions

This document is meant to answer some of the more frequently asked questions about managing your domains using Regzilla's Manage My Domain web interface. If you have a question that is not listed on this page, please feel free to email us at

Introduction: If you do not have the username and password for your domain name, you must get this information from Regzilla Support before you can use the Manage My Domain Interface

The password is case-sensitive. If you're getting authentication errors, Cut and Paste directly from the Email sent by Regzilla.


  1. How do I change contact information on my Domain?
  2. I lost the password to manage a domain!
  3. How do I change my Name Servers?
  4. HELP! I've deleted all my name servers!
  5. How do I create a name server based on this domain?

  6. How do I delete a name server I created using manage?
  7. How do I change the IP address of my name server?
  8. How do I change the host name of my name server?
  9. How do I register a ccTLD name server?
  10. How do Domain Profiles work?

  11. How do I move domains between Profiles?
  12. How do I move a domain from my main profile to its own?
  13. How do I create a Sub User account for my domain?


  1. How do I change contact information on my Domain?

    Each link on the main screen corresponds to a field in the WHOIS output. Click on the link to the field you wish to update. You will be presented with a page where you can edit the information in each field.

    Ensure the Admin Email address is kept up to date. This is the only way for Regzilla to recover a lost login/password for you.

  2. I lost the password to manage a domain!

    Regzilla can Email that info to the Admin. Send email to requesting the password be sent to the Admin Contact.

    For .ca domain only: The process of recovering a lost password is more complicated. Contact for more information.

  3. How do I change my Name Servers?

    Click on Manage Name Servers, you will see your current name servers listed. Always add the new nameserver first using "Adding New Name Servers"

    You only have to add the hostname. The IP is handled automatically.

    Then, you can remove the old name server by clicking the remove check box to the right and clicking "Save Configuration". Please note this action does not delete the name server entry, it removes it from this domain only.

    This procedure assumes that the nameservers in question are valid registered Internet nameservers. All DNS must be listed on the root to be considered valid. Nameservers based on ccTLDs (country-code Top Level Domains, like .ca for Canada) must be manually added by Regzilla Support - Email with the request. Keep in mind the Verisign Registry does not record IP addresses for ccTLD nameservers, so don't be surprised if the nameserver IP doesn't show up on the whois server output.

  4. HELP! I've deleted all my name servers!

    If you have deleted your name server settings, or wish to add more, you can use the "- Adding New Name Servers -" section below the list of DNS. Enter just the name of the DNS, not the IP address, and click on "Add Name Server." The DNS will be added to the list directly above.

  5. How do I create a name server based on this domain?

    In the Manage Name Servers section, and at the bottom of the page, you will see a link: "If you want to create or modify a name server which is based on {your domain} click here."

    Here you can register a name server based on the domain. All name servers must have an unique IP and must be set-up and running for at least 24 hours before you register them here. Type the prefix for your name server and its IP address and click Create Name Server. We suggest that you do not use the prefix "www" as this may cause a problem with your web server lookups. Use a known convention such as "ns1"

    The most common error when setting up a newnameserver is: "Unable to create nameserver: Registry error, nameserver creation failed [Attribute value not unique]"

    This means that the IP address you entered is already taken. You may either find another IP or delete the existing nameserver host record.

  6. How do I delete a name server I created using manage?

    In the Manage Name Servers section, and at the bottom of the page, you will see a link: "If you want to create or modify a name server which is based on {your domain} click here."

    You can only delete name servers that are not in use by any domains. You will only see a Delete button next to a DNS entry if it is not in use by a Regzilla domain. Unfortunately, Regzilla does not have the ability to give you a list of what domains a name server is listed on.

    If the Delete button is available, click it and you will receive an "Are you sure?" Click yes and the DNS will be deleted from the root registry.

    Please be aware that we can't check to see if the DNS is in use by non-Regzilla domains. If it is, you will get an error directly from the root registry.

  7. How do I change the IP address of my name server?

    In the Manage Name Servers section, and at the bottom of the page, you will see a link: "If you want to create or modify a name server which is based on {your domain} click here."

    Simply change the old IP to the new one and click Save Configuration. All name servers must have unique IPs. If you're getting a registry error, it likely means that IP is already in use.

    This change will be automatically applied to all domains using this name server.

  8. How do I change the host name of my name server?

    In the Manage Name Servers section, and at the bottom of the page, you will see a link: "If you want to create or modify a name server which is based on {your domain} click here."

    Simply change the old host name to the new one and click Save Configuration.

    This change will be automatically applied to all domains using this name server.

  9. How do I register a ccTLD name server?

    Most Registries keep their own list of valid nameservers. Each Nameserver host record must be added before it can be used.

    Please be aware that ccTLD nameserver IP addresses are not required by the registry and are not displayed by our system. This does not affect the operation of the nameserver.

  10. How do Domain Profiles work?

    In order to speed up registrations and make managing domains easier, Regzilla uses a system called "Domain Profiles". A profile is simply a username and password associated with a domain or domains which gives access to a Web-based interface to manage these specific domains.

    When registering or transferring domains, instead of typing all the same information repeatedly, the RSP can use the profile of an existing Regzilla-registered domain as template for the new registration. The domain information (Administrative contact, Billing Contact, Technical Contact, and nameservers) for the two domains will be exactly the same.

    From the Regzilla Domain Registration scripts, use the "Use My Existing Profile" option when registering a domain, and type in the profile information in the fields that follow.

    Domains that are created or transfered using the same profile can be managed together in the Manage My Domain web interface.

    This is where the domain/username/password combination are entered to gain secure access to the management web interface. Here you can change contact info for all domains in the same profile. You can also easily switch between different domains using "Manage Another Domain" link.

    It is important to remember that anyone with the profile login information can change all info for all domains in the profile, including ownership. Guard this information carefully.

  11. How do I move domains between Profiles?

    Existing domains can be herded into a profile using the Manage My Domain interface.

    Click on "Manage Profile" and then select "Change Ownership of Domain". Fill out the username/password of the profile you want to add this domain to. Click on "Move to existing profile" and type the name of a domain that is already in the profile into "Previously registered domain." Click on "Change Owner" and the two domains are now in the same profile.

  12. How do I move a domain from my main profile to its own?

    To break a domain out of its profile, click on "Manage Profile" and then select "Change Ownership of Domain". Select a new username/password and click on "Change Owner". The domain is now in its own profile, with a separate username and password.

  13. How do I create a Sub User account for my domain?

    A Sub User is an additional login to your domain that you can create and grant limited access. This is helpful if you'd like to give a login to your Web Host or ISP to manage your Name servers/etc.

    Goto "Manage Profile", then "Create/Manage a Sub-User". Select a username, password and choose what areas that this sub-user will be allowed to edit. Sub-users are never allowed access to the "Manage Profile" section.

    There can only be a single sub-user per domain, and a sub-user can only manage the domain it was created for, not the profile it is in (if it is part of a larger group profile of your domains)

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